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Barbara in, 211, 220–21, 298
Carnegie Hall, 304–5, 306, 308
Central Park, 215, 229
docks in, 216
Julie’s arrival in, 165
Ted Wells in, 214–15, 298
Nichols, Mike, 296, 304
Niven, David, 185
North Country, 64–65, 102, 114
No Time for Sergeants, 222
Nureyev, Rudolf, 316
Ockley, 110, 111
O’Keefe Center, 283, 288, 289
Okewood, 111
Oklahoma, 231
Olander, Fred, 140–41, 145
Olanders, 140, 141
Oldham, Keith, 74, 147
Oldham, Margaret, 74
Old Meuse, see Meuse, The
Oliver!, 256
Oliver, Vic, 78, 79, 83–84, 94, 267
Olivier, Laurence, 209–10
Once and Future King, The (White), 266–67, 268, 272, 274, 281, 284, 286, 295
Once Upon a Mattress, 302
O’Neil, Paddie, 142, 143, 246–47
One Over the Eight, 284
opera, 52, 53, 58
Ornadel, Cyril, 236
Owen, Ted “Tappets,” 74, 90, 133, 147
Packham, Caroline (great-aunt), 12
Packham, Charles (great-grandfather), 12
Packham, Charles (great-uncle), 12
Packham, Elizabeth (grandmother), see Wells, Elizabeth Packham
Packham, Elizabeth (great-grandmother), 12
Packham, Ellen (great-aunt), 12
Packham, Mary (great-aunt), 12
Packham, Susan (great-aunt), 12
Page, Patti, 232
Paint Your Wagon, 180, 279
pantomimes, 93–94, 95, 155
Aladdin, 140, 141, 142
Cinderella, 155–57, 159
Humpty Dumpty, 93, 94–97
Jack and the Beanstalk, 145–46, 147–48
Red Riding Hood, 129–31, 132
Papp, Joseph, 229, 230
Paris, 233–34, 267
Parnell, Val, 77, 79
Pasternak, Joe, 84–85
Patmos, 275
Patti, Adelina, 118
Perkins, Anthony, 297
Philip, Prince, 89, 240
Piaf, Edith, 234
Pieces of Eight, 256–57, 267, 284
Pierrepoint House, 270
Pinter, Harold, 256
Pleasure of His Company, The, 256
polio epidemic, 101
“Polonaise,” 77, 79–80, 84, 88–89, 149
Pons, Helene, 191, 192
Porter, Cole, 189
Puccini, Giacomo, 54–55
Pygmalion (film), 194, 209, 223
Pygmalion (Shaw), 180, 182, 193, 201, 299
Rachelle (designer), 242, 259
“Rain in Spain, The,” 213, 217
Rattigan, Terence, 210
Rawicz and Landauer, 127
RCA Records, 227
Red Riding Hood, 129–31, 132
reincarnation, 118
Rexford, Dr., 214, 215, 216, 241
Richardson, Howard, 159
Richardson, Ralph, 268–69
Riddle, Nelson, 297
Rigoletto, 126, 149
Rivera, Chita, 223, 232
Riverbrook Farm, 68
Roar of the Greasepaint—the Smell of the Crowd, The, 235
Rodgers, Richard, 181–82, 183, 189, 230, 231
Rogers, Anne, 232–33, 265
Romeo and Juliet, 84, 85, 126
Rose Marie, 243
Rose of Baghdad, The, 143–44
Royal Academy of Dance, 133
Royal Command Performance, 88–89
Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, 201–2, 236, 252, 269
Sadler’s Wells ballet, 177
Sail Away, 297
St. Mary’s Church, 259
Sandburg, Carl, 271
Sandown Park, 74
Sassoon, Victor, 242–43
Schwartz, Arthur, 184, 185
Schwarz, Rudolf, 149, 150
Scofield, Paul, 302
Secombe, Harry, 84, 127
Sellers, Peter, 84
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, 178
Shanklin Theatre, 132
Shaw, George Bernard, 180, 182, 193, 201, 299
Sheffield, 65
Sherman, Richard, 311
Sherman, Robert, 311
Shore, Dinah, 232
Showboat, 232
Shubert Theater, 287, 288, 289
Shy (dog), 249, 275, 278, 313, 314, 316, 319
Silvers, Phil, 263
Silverwood, 101 “Skater’s Waltz, The,” 78, 79, 80
Smith, Maggie, 262
Smith, Mickey, 81–82
Smith, Oliver, 190, 197, 221, 279, 283
S.O.B., 257
Sondheim, Stephen, 222, 307, 315
Sound of Music, The, 227, 258, 305
South Pacific, 136, 231, 236
spiritualism, 118
Squires, William, 300
Stage Door Canteen, 63
Standon Farm, 111
Star Is Born, A, 189
Starlight Roof, 77, 78–80, 81, 82–84, 87–88, 93, 95, 103, 133, 156
Stickney, Dorothy, 227, 228–29
Stiles-Allen, Madame Lilian, 48–49, 50–55, 116–19, 149, 180, 188
Stone, Paddy, 256–57
Stop the World—I Want to Get Off, 235
Stothart, Herbert, 243
Street Where I Live, The (Lerner), 186
Sullivan, Ed, 226, 295
Surbiton, 82
Surbiton Lagoon, 44
Switzerland, 233–34, 235, 259
Sykes, Eric, 127
Taylor, Elizabeth, 300
Taylor, Samuel, 256
Tell It Again, 227
Thames, 1–3, 13, 17
Thames Ditton, 19, 23
children working in, 81, 128
Julie’s feelings about, 254–55
Littler brothers and, 93
set design in, 225
Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, 136, 235, 236
Thomas, Ambroise, 77
Threesome, 15, 19
Time, 284, 289–90
Tom Jones, 126, 181
Toronto, 283
Tozzi, Giorgio, 243
Travers, P. L., 308, 317
Tucker, Charles L., 77–78, 79, 94, 133–35, 139, 146, 147, 164, 165, 172, 174, 175, 220, 233, 234, 237, 243, 244, 318
Alderney cottage and, 275
The Boy Friend and, 157, 158
horse and, 243
Julie’s contract with, 220–21
Julie’s marriage and, 257, 259–60, 262
as Julie’s parents’ agent, 77, 133
Julie’s portrait and, 258
Mountain Fire and, 159
My Fair Lady and, 183, 204, 211, 238, 265–66, 267
revues produced by, 142–43, 150
Twigs, 73
Tynan, Kenneth, 160
Valmouth, 246, 282–83, 284
Venice, 235
Victor/Victoria, 122, 235, 257
Vogue, 221, 292
Wakefield, Annie, 167
Wall, Max, 150–51
Walsh, Bill, 308
Walton, Carol, 98, 100, 258
Walton, Dawn, 98–99, 100, 101, 137, 262, 275–76, 309
Walton, Emma Katherine (daughter), 259, 275, 318–20
birth of, 317–18
Walton, Jennifer, 98
Walton, Lance, 98–99, 100, 101, 137, 247, 248, 275–76, 309
Walton, Richard, 97, 98, 137, 262
Walton, Tony, 100, 136–37, 139, 145, 148, 154, 172, 184, 214, 217, 220–23, 233, 234, 237, 244, 245, 249, 252, 266, 297, 299, 302
on Alderney, 267, 268, 271–75, 313–16
art and theater training of, 183–84
art exhibition of, 257
Dictabelts and, 204, 209
Emma’s birth and, 317–18, 319, 320
entertaining by, 298
on European vacation, 234–35
Harrison and Kendall and, 207–8
on honeymoon, 263–64
Julie’s engagement to, 241, 242, 257–58
Julie’s marriage to, 257–58, 259–60, 261–64
Julie’s meeting of, 97–99
Julie’s pregnancy and, 306–7, 316, 317
Julie’s wedding gown and wedding band designed by, 257
Khan and, 250, 251, 252
at Lindsay and Stickney’s cottage, 228–29
My Fair Lady and, 206, 238
National Service of, 145, 148
painting given to Julie by, 148
as scenic and costume designer, 224, 246, 256, 267, 282–84, 306, 309, 312, 317, 320
theatrical knowledge of, 224–25
White and, 268, 274, 288, 289, 292, 315–16
Walton-on-Thames, 2–3, 11, 32, 57, 67, 68, 70, 82
Walton Playhouse, 19–20
Ward, Albert, 129
Ward, Fenella Henrietta “Fen” (great-aunt), 3
Ward, Julia Emily Hearmon “Emily” (great-grandmother), 3–5, 7–8, 10
Ward, Julia Mary (grandmother), 3, 4, 5–6, 7, 8–9, 14, 70
death of, 9, 10
Ward, Kathleen Lavinia “Kath” (great-aunt), 3–4
Ward, Kit (great-aunt), 72, 73, 124
Ward, Les, 129
Ward, Nona Doris “Doll” (great-aunt), 3
Ward, Wilhelmina Hearmon “Mina”
(great-aunt), 3, 4, 75–76
Ward, William Henry (great-grandfather), 3
Ward, William Henry “Hadge” (great-uncle), 3, 4, 72, 73, 124
Warner Bros., 266
Waters, Arthur, 67
Waters, Doris, 127
Waters, Elsie, 127
Waters, Madge, 67
Waters, Patricia “Trisha,” 20, 67, 68–69, 129, 163
Waters, Virginia “Ginny,” 67
Wayne, Jerry, 159–60
Weill, Kurt, 189
Weir, Alexa, 244, 246, 278, 313
Welch, Ken, 303, 304, 305
Welch, Mitzie, 305
Wells, Barbara Ward, see Andrews, Barbara Ward Morris
Wells, Celia (half sister), 66, 67, 234, 258, 275, 315
Wells, David (great-grandfather), 12
Wells, David Wilfred (grandfather), 12, 13, 14
Wells, Edward Charles “Ted” (father), 12, 37, 147, 152, 153, 246, 277, 318
on Alderney, 313, 315
Barbara’s divorce from, 27, 32, 33, 39, 41, 76
Barbara’s leaving of, 26, 30
Barbara’s marriage to, 14
cricket playing of, 277–78
drowning boy saved by, 67
early years of, 12–14
as father, 16–18, 26, 45
handicapped sister of, 13, 21, 124
Joan’s offer of marriage from, 30
Julie’s first trip to America and, 158, 164, 172–73
Julie’s first word and, 1
Julie’s name change and, 40
Julie’s nightmare and, 24
Julie’s paternity and, 121, 122, 123
Julie’s visits with, 76, 107, 110–12
at Julie’s wedding, 261
Leith Vale house of, 110, 111
music and singing of, 17
My Fair Lady and, 237, 240
New York visits of, 214–15, 298
in Paris, 234poetry and, 17, 18
religious feelings of, 16–17
scenery built by, 19–20
teaching career of, 14–15, 18
vacations of, 15
water enjoyed by, 17
Winifred’s friendship with, 31
Winifred’s marriage to, 43–44
World War II and, 22, 23, 37
Wells, Elizabeth “Betty” (aunt), 12, 13, 21, 124
Wells, Elizabeth Packham (grandmother), 12, 13, 14, 20–21
Barbara’s relationship with, 20
Wells, Fanny Loveland (great-grandmother), 12
Wells, Frank (uncle), 12, 13, 14
Wells, John (brother), 16, 17, 24, 26, 28, 30, 37, 44, 66, 67, 111, 147, 163, 164, 247, 262, 277, 315
birth of, 19, 123
evacuation during World War II, 35–37
Julie’s back injury and, 247–48
in Paris, 234
and Ted’s marriage to Winifred, 43–44
Wells, Robert “Bob” (uncle), 12, 13, 14
Wells, Winifred Maud Hyde (Ted’s second wife), 44, 45, 110, 112, 123, 147, 164, 261, 277, 298, 315, 318
daughter born to, 66
at My Fair Lady, 239
in Paris, 234
Ted’s friendship with, 31
Ted’s marriage to, 43–44
Wendy (nanny), 319, 320
Western Brothers, 127
West Side Story, 222, 223, 309
Weybridge, 2
White, Terence Hanbury “Tim,” 266–68, 271, 272–74, 275, 278, 281, 282, 284, 286, 288, 289, 292–93, 295, 313–14, 315–16
Widney, Bud, 181, 288
Wilby, Arthur Cecil “Bill” (“Dingle”) (uncle), 12, 15, 19, 32, 73, 74, 81, 83, 87, 90, 137, 138, 139, 141, 146–47, 163, 164, 270
gambling of, 74
Joan’s marriage to, 12, 30
at Julie’s wedding, 261–62
nickname of, 75
physical appearance of, 46
tuberculosis of, 109
in World War II, 22, 35, 45–46, 47
Wilby, Geoffrey, 87
Wilby, Joan Morris (aunt), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 32, 45–46, 67, 81, 90, 129, 130, 137, 138, 161, 163, 164, 270, 298, 315, 318
Barbara’s marital problems and, 105–6
dance taught by, 15, 19, 30, 37, 45, 46, 47, 73–74, 87, 109, 133, 137, 164, 270
dancing of, 7, 11–12, 76
drums played by, 10–11
Julie’s paternity and, 122–23
in Julie’s wedding, 258, 261
marriage of, 12, 30
shows put on by, 19–20
son born to, 87
vacations of, 15
Wells’ offer of marriage to, 30
at Wrecclesham Farm, 35, 36
Williams, Cissy, 79
Williams, Kenneth, 256, 257, 267, 284
Wilson, Bob, 283
Wilson, Lou, 165, 175, 176, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 204, 220, 221, 222, 262, 302–3, 304, 318
Wilson, Sally, 283
Wilson, Sandy, 157, 168, 169, 246
Winged Victory, 189
Winnicott, D. W., 250, 316
Wisdom, Norman, 146–47
Wonderful Town, 243
Woodbrook, 56, 60–64
Workers’ Playtime, 32
World War II, 22–23, 25–26, 39, 42, 273
air raids in, 28–30, 34, 36, 42–43
end of, 57, 66, 100
Wrecclesham Farm, 35–37
“Wren, The,” 84, 126
“Wynken, Blynken and Nod,” 20, 67
Yorkin, Bud, 263
Yorkin, Peg, 263
Ziegfeld Follies, 189
Ziegler, Anne, 127
Zurich, 234, 259
About the Author
Julie Andrews' career has flourished over seven decades. Most recently she's played the queen in both the Princess Diaries and Shrek films. Her bestselling children's books include The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, Mandy, and The Great American Mousical. She currently lives with her husband of 38 years, the acclaimed film director Blake Edwards, and they have five children and seven grandchildren.
The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles
Little Bo—The Story of Bonnie Boadicea (illustrated by Henry Cole)
Little Bo in France—The Further Adventures of Bonnie Boadicea
Thanks to You—Wisdom from Mother and Child
The Great American Mousical (illustrated by Tony W
Dragon: Hound of Honor
Simeon’s Gift (illustrated by Gennady Spirin)
Dumpy the Dump Truck (illustrated by Tony Walton)
Dumpy at School
Dumpy Saves Christmas
Dumpy and the Big Storm
Dumpy and the Firefighters
Dumpy’s Happy Holiday
Dumpy and His Pals
Dumpy’s Friends on the Farm
Dumpy’s Apple Shop
Dumpy’s Valentine
Dumpy to the Rescue!
Dumpy’s Extra Busy Day
For more information, please visit www.julieandrewscollection.com
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